Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Repo Stage 1

After being assigned the role of REPO MASTER for the DXR Project in SBR600, I began to make the repository.

The steps (repo notes from Chris Tyler)

A) Setup (1 time only)
1) gpg --gen-key

2) add to ~/.rpmmacros
%_signature gpg

3) gpg --export --armour keyid > i.e. RPM-GPG-KEY-[name]
--keyid =

B) Create Repository

1) create accessible directory
/var/www/html/ i.e. DXR

2) Put packages in that direcectory

3) rpm --addsign *.rpm
rpm -qip checks for signature

4) createrepo .

C) Create .repo file

1) put gpg public key* in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/
*From Part A step 3

2) create .repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d

As of right now, only 2 out of the 3 packages have been added
to the repository.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

G++ VS. Modified G++

The goal: Test build times between packaging using regular g++ and modified g++.

Getting the modified version of g++ required using a script called I executed this tool and it had created a tools directory in my home directory on the Australia machine.

The package I used to test g++ was abiword. I ran, time rpmbuild -ba abiword.spec a few times and recorded the times.

After renaming g++ I created a symbolic link using the following command:

su - c "ln -s /home/apvlahopoulos/tools/gcc-dehydra/installed/bin /[gc]++ /usr/bin"

Once the symbolic link was created, I ran the builds again...

I was having some install errors and then used

time QA_RPATHS=$[ 0x003f ] rpmbuild -ba abiword.spec

The results:

Test 1
Regular g++

real 9m33.509s

user 13m27.408s

sys 4m22.554s

Modified g++

real 7m23.409s

user 6m12.774s

sys 4m34.408s

Test 2
Regular g++

real 5m44.997s

user 5m37.223s

sys 3m44.992s

Modified g++

real 6m42.508s

user 10m36.408s

sys 3m15.561s

Test 3
Regular g++
real 5m56.887s

user 5m32.211s

sys 3m17.743s

Modified g++

real 7m7.550s
user 4m6.848s
sys 1m53.461s

Fedora Live!

Never thought I would see the day, making a Fedora Live CD! I used different references, but the main one I stuck to was the HOW TO create a live cd page on Fedora's website (it was very helpful).

To personalize this live cd, I wanted to edit my own kickstart. Instead of starting from scratch, I found a bunch of kick start files in the /usr/share/spin-kickstarts / directory. I decided to use the fedora-livecd-desktop.ks. I copied this kickstart file to my home directory and began surgery!

I wanted to include my rpm that I had packaged a while ago into this, so I linked the rpm using...

repo --name="apvlahopoulos" --baseurl=

To avoid getting sued, I made sure I removed any fedora related branding and instead added the generic branding...

# add generic branding

#Remove Fedora Branding

I ran the livecd-creator command, and voilaaaaaaa!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


This year was the first time I attended FSOSS. Since being in Chris Tyler's Software Build and Release course, I decided it would be a good experience to get involved with the open source community. I immediately signed up to volunteer for the event!

I hope everyone who attended the event appreciated the informational pamphlets (because they took forever to fold! lol)

Unfortunately I wasn't able to come to the event until lunch time. However, the good news was I made it just in time for lunch (the food was amazing). After talking to Catherine the day before about her presentation, I checked out part of her presentation about Canvas 3D JS Library. The reception was also enjoyable. I was able to talk about the event and about school overall with other students.