Monday, September 14, 2009

Configure - Quite the learning experience.

Last week, we were assigned the task of downloading source code and using the configure function for SBR600 while in SEC520 we were asked to download a sniffer (such as wireshark). I decided to kill two birds with one stone and download the source code for wireshark.

Once, downloaded (using wget [url]), I began to extract the tar file and then ran configure. Well, just my luck things stopped after about a dozen lines where I was getting an error message stating "C compiler cannot create executables" My first instinct was to google it...ofcourse. But instead I decided to get on the seneca IRC channel where I was helped out by a few people (thanks to those people btw).

I quickly learned that I required a package called binutils. After learning how to use sudo apt-get install [tab] (which became my saviour) I installed binutils but also required to install build-essentials (ubuntu's version of binutils...I think). Other packages were required throughout this process such as libpcap (and trust me...the list goes on for a while).

Another major issue I had was with the GTK+ version that was required. But that issue was solved by install libgtk2.0.

After dealing with much struggle and a mass amount of package installations, configure was complete. (yay!) I ran make and make install with smooth sailing. Lastly, I never thought running a program would make me so happy but running ./wireshark and having the program run put a smile on my face. :)

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